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Energy From Biomass

The objective of this project and our class is to understand the scientific and technological challenges of converting biomass into energy, and to understand the consequences of large scale use of biomass on the economy, the environment, and society. Around the world, about $1.5 trillion is spent on fuel for transportation every year. America’s dependence on oil alone sums up to more than 140 billion gallons per year, at a cost of more than $1 billion per day. It is no wonder that scientists have been looking for alternative sources of energy. 

We specifically focused on research from the Katz Group. They found that a silica surface can aid in the breakdown of cellulose to glucose (a crucial step in the biofuels production process). For more info about this process and our economic analysis, please explore the links below.

Watch a summary animation about the current challenges we face today with biofuels production and how research like Katz's can help.


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